Thursday, November 10, 2016

Winter is almost here!

It's Nov! My birthday month! The happiest thing to do on my birthday is to be able to strap in and cruise down the mountain! I can't wait to snowboard again! Only two weeks awaaaayyyy!

The emails were a bit slow now between C and I. He is on vacation right now and I totally understand that he would choose to enjoy it to the fullest instead of sitting down and to write me a long email. I have to admit that I miss our long e-mails. However, from my last blog post, I was worried that he would be overwhelmed by my share on the visa issue and the inability of visiting him in his hometown. It did sound like a "let-down". No doubt. I guess I wanted to see if he is interested in putting the effort to make it work. After what's happening between A and I, I really don't feel like investing on someone who could not understand what I have been through and see that hard work I put in to live the dream. It took a little long for me to hear from C again. I guess it's a lot to take in and really think through about the answers. C sent me a short response telling me he has been busy and will write more later. I wasn't sure and can't tell if he is still interested in keep the email going. So first time, I did not respond to that e-mail and thought maybe that's it. If it will happen, it will. If it's in God's plan for me, it will happen! I guess I am challenging my belief now.

Few days ago, I did get a surprise e-mail from C. Although it's short as well but I think he got the point why I didn't write him back. I really appreciate that he took the time to tell me that he would like to keep chatting and understands my whole visa issues. That really means something to me.

I really hope we get to meet up soon. I am not sure how long our feelings will last through words. But again, I believe if it's in God's will. It will happen. Not to mention, C is also a Christian. Did God pick him just perfectly for me? We will find out...

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