Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Patience is a virtue

C didn't write me back...
I might have screwed it up by showing him my interests of wanting to know him.
There is this line came into my mind.

Patience is a virtue.

I need to remember that and remind myself often in any situations really...
I sucks at relationships but it's a life long learning lesson. I will get better every time when I meet someone special. God will do his magic. I just need to be patient.

In the afternoon, this also came to my mind.
If it's yours, it will be no matter what. 
I remember how love is. Love is unconditional. You love someone. You just.....love. It's ok if he loves me and I don't love him. We won't have a relationship. It's ok if I love him and he doesn't love me back. We won't have a relationship, either. It will be amazing if he loves me and I love him. We will have an amazing relationship together and share all the happiness in our life. I am learning along the way, from the past and hope for the better in the future. I am not going to force someone to love me, it shouldn't be that way, love should just happen without me even trying hard. It twists what love is all about.  

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