Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The distraction or a new purpose?

Not sure if God hears my prayer and really gives me the distraction (or a new purpose?) to help me to get through to the down time.

This guy named C seems to be a person that I could see myself to be with... 
He loves snowboarding, adventure is his passion. We speak the same language. Most important, I am attracted to him. The only thing is that he lives so far far far away from me. As much as I'd love to get to know him more. It's so hard to build up the connections when two people can't even meet each other at one place. A coffee date seems normal for a lot of people. It would be a hard thing to do for him and I... 

I surely do not want the regrets...I am giving him my e-mail today...if this is a blessing from God. Please do let the story continues...

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